How to Make Mudslide in Infinite Craft?

Infinite Craft allows players to combine elements creatively to form exciting and sometimes destructive creations. One such natural disaster is the Mudslide, a forceful flow of mud caused by gravity and water. Follow this guide on how to make mudslide in infinite craft and bring the power of nature into your Infinite Craft world!

Basic Elements to Create Mudslide

To create a Mudslide🌋, you need the fundamental elements Earth🌍, Fire🔥, Water💧, and Wind🌬️. These elements help form Mud and the necessary conditions for a Mudslide to occur.

Mastering these combinations will not only help you craft a Mudslide🌋, but also unlock more advanced natural disasters in Infinite Craft.

How to Make Mudslide in Infinite Craft?

how to make mudslide in infinite craft

Follow these steps to craft Mudslide🌋:

  1. Water💧 + Water💧 = Lake🌊
  2. Water💧 + Fire🔥 = Steam💨
  3. Wind🌬️ + Lake🌊 = Storm⛈️
  4. Earth🌍 + Steam💨 = Mud💩
  5. Storm⛈️  + Mud💩 = Mudslide🌋

Finally, merging a Storm with Mud results in a Mudslide🌋, a rushing wave of mud and debris.


Crafting a Mudslide🌋 in Infinite Craft is an exciting way to explore the game’s natural disaster mechanics. The Mudslide🌋 is a powerful creation that showcases the game’s dynamic element combinations.

Keep experimenting with different combinations, and see what other forces of nature you can unleash in Infinite Craft.

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