How to Make Narwhal in Infinite Craft?

Infinite Craft offers endless opportunities to create mythical and real-world creatures, including the Narwhal. Known as the “unicorn of the sea,” the Narwhal is a unique marine mammal famous for its long, spiral tusk. If you want to add this extraordinary creature to your crafted world, follow this simple guide on how to make narwhal in infinite craft.

Basic Elements to Create Narwhal

To craft a Narwhal🐳, you will need to work with essential elements like Earth🌍, Fire🔥, Water💧, and Wind🌬️. These elements are fundamental for creating sea creatures and marine life in Infinite Craft.

How to Make Narwhal in Infinite Craft?

how to make narwhal in infinite craft

Follow these step-by-step crafting combinations to create Narwhal🐳:

  1. Water💧 + Water💧 = Lake🌊
  2. Earth🌍 + Earth🌍 = Mountain🏔️
  3. Lake🌊 + Mountain🏔️ = Fjord🏞️
  4. Water💧 + Fjord🏞️ = Whale🐳
  5. Fjord🏞️ + Whale🐳 = Narwhal🐳

The final step is mixing a Whale with a fjord, symbolizing the Narwhal’s🐳 signature tusk and making this unique sea creature.


Crafting a Narwhal🐳 in Infinite Craft is an exciting way to bring the wonders of the deep sea into your gameplay. This rare and mystical marine animal adds creativity and uniqueness to your crafted world. Keep experimenting with different combinations to discover more amazing creatures and expand your Infinite Craft universe.

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